
Updated 2/22

  • Q1 2022: Discord and webpage

  • Q2 2022: Initial API end points and documentation

    • Inter the Dungeon API end points and documentation

    • Data model for bringing in 3rd party assets

  • Initial Mini-game for helping builders use APIs to design their games.

  • Q3 2022: Beta Launch

  • Q3 2022: Initial collaboration themed dungeon

  • Q4 2022: Full Launch

  • Q4 2022: Monthly community themed dungeon updates showcasing latest builder's program game assets.

  • Q2 2023: Multiplayer (semi-coop)

*Schedule is estimate only and may be updated as we progress in our development.

The end goal is to create all of the endpoints for Axie game/application developers to move and share assets between games/applications. We wish to be an integral part to designing the standards and methods for solving the interoperability issues facing Web 3.0

Last updated